Design Teams

Design teams are a great way to make new friends, develop expertise in your field of study, meet industry professionals, and apply skills to real-world issues.


Chem-E-Car is a multi-disciplinary engineering design team that competes in the annual AIChE Regional and National Competitions. The goal of the competition is to build a shoebox sized car that travels a specified distance, powered only by chemical reactions.

UBC Envision, UBC AIChE Student Chapter

UBC Envision is the American Institute of Chemical Engineers student chapter of the University of British Columbia and currently has three sub-teams: BioT, GreenJoule and collaborates heavily with Chem-E-Car.

BioT aims to build an automated brewing system on campus that can be accurately controlled to produce a desired beer style.

Green Joule
Green Joule works to offset the production cost of algae biofuels by combining algae growth with wastewater treatment and simultaneously extracting carbohydrates and lipids to produce two different types of biofuels.


The UBC BIOMOD team competes against undergraduates from all around the world to explore new technologies as they build projects ranging from molecular robotics to nanoscale therapeutics using biological macromolecules in the annual BIOMOD Jamboree.

Sustaingineering UBC

Sustaingineering UBC is a student engineering design team that designs, develops, and applies sustainable energy solutions for developing communities.