Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering would like to acknowledge that our department is located on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking Musqueam people.

Welcome to CHBE Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI).

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering is committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment to ensure that all members in our community, including students, post-docs, faculty and staff, are valued with their different perspective and feel a sense of belonging. We strive to uphold the UBC Respectful Environment Statement and our own goals and values regarding Inclusive Leadership and Respectful Environment

Mission Statements

  • Provides a welcoming space to address contemporary issues around marginalization of underrepresented groups within CHBE community
  • Provides an interface between CHBE community and UBC’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives, and in particular the APSC EDI.I framework and mandate
  • Advocates, connects and informs the CHBE community about EDI support, resources, training and opportunities

Committee Members, 2022 – 2023

Vladan Prodanovic (he/him/his),
Co-Chair, Faculty Rep
Heather Trajano (she/her/hers),
Co-Chair, Faculty Rep
Naoko Ellis (she/her/hers),
Faculty Rep
Jonathan Verret (he/him/his),
Faculty Rep
Brittany Ji (she/her/hers),
Staff Rep
Erin Hagen (she/her/hers),
Staff Rep
Marina Mehling (she/her/hers), Student Rep
Amelia Dai (she/her/hers),
Student Rep


Resource Navigator

APSC Resources

External Resources (EGBC and Engineers Canada)

EDI Glossary of Terms

Connect With Us

We want to hear from you! Contact the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee using the form below.

EDI Feedback

To continue improving the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in its programs and services, the Faculty of Applied Science invites your feedback regarding your EDI experiences.