Chemical & Biological Engineering Professor and Canada Research Chair in Breath Science and Technology (Tier 1), Jane Hill, has been elected incoming Chair of the International Association of Breath Research (IABR).
The IABR was established in 2005 and has members from around the world. The IABR organizes conferences, meetings, and works closely with the Journal of Breath Research, to share the latest data and technologies to advance breath research.
Dr. Hill’s research group pushes the technological boundaries of what can be achieved diagnostically using human breath. Her team focuses on discovering and validating biomarkers in breath for respiratory infections in humans and animals. One of their main research goals is to develop a breath-based diagnostic tests for tuberculosis, a curable bacterial disease that kills around 1.5 million people each year. Another main goal of the group is to use biomarkers in breath to rapidly detect pathogens in people who have cystic fibrosis, where early detection and treatment of bacterial infections can improve the quality and length of life. Dr. Hill’s team conducts clinical studies around the world with a current enrolment of over 1,000 patients.
Find more information about the International Association of Breath Research on their website.