Dr. Vikramaditya Yadav, Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, has been awarded a 2022/2023 Killam Teaching award.
Dr. Yadav was nominated for his support of the student community and student work, both in academic courses and by creating meaningful opportunities for undergraduates to engage in leading research in his laboratories.
Students in his classes have provided extensive praise of the excellence of his teaching style and innovative approaches, the quality of his support and mentorship, and the impact he has had on their learning and development.
Every year, undergraduate CHBE students recognize the outstanding instructors in the department through the student-selected CHBE Teaching Excellence Award. Dr. Yadav has been selected by CHBE students to receive this award multiple times since he joined the CHBE department, including in 2020W, a year impacted by COVID 19.
Dr. Yadav mentors students not just in the classroom but also in his research lab. While leading a top-flight research program, he creates many opportunities for undergraduate students every year to undertake projects through sponsored undergraduate thesis projects, internships and work-learn positions.
The Killam Teaching Prizes are awarded annually to faculty members, nominated by students, colleagues and alumni, in recognition of excellence in teaching. Established university-wide, the prizes are adjudicated within faculties under procedures defined by the faculties and approved by the Office of the Provost and Vice President Academic. To see the other Killam Winners, visit the website of the Office of the Provost & Vice-President Academic.
Congratulations Dr. Yadav!