Associate Professor of Teaching
Marshall Bauder Professorship in Experiential Learning and Leadership (UBC-V)
Office: CHBE 427
Email: jonathan.verrett@ubc.ca
Research Summary
Leadership Development, Experiential Learning, Design Education, Open Educational Resources (OER), Energy Generation and Use, Sustainability
McGill University, Montreal, 2016, Ph.D.
McGill University, Montreal, 2011, B.Eng.
Research interests + projects
My current focus is solely on educational research, with my research interests being leadership development, experiential learning, design education, and open educational resources (OER). There are many overlapping and complementary skills developed through leadership, experiential learning and design experiences. I support and study this skill development in student-led projects including design projects, extra-curricular teams, research and entrepreneurship. My OER interest centres on ensuring educational best practices are disseminated and accessible. All these activities have a strong alignment with disciplinary and institutional values around service of the applied science professions to the public.
My technical research has focused on a variety of energy-related fields including gas hydrates, photocatalysis and biohydrogen production. My Ph.D. work focused on the thermodynamics and kinetics of crystallizing multiphase systems (gas-liquid-solid, such as gas hydrates) for their use in industrial processes.
Awards and honours
UBC Killam Teaching Prize , 2021/2022
Chemical and Biological Engineering Undergraduate Club Lifetime Achievement Teaching Award , 2021/2022
Open Educational Resources Champion Award, UBC Alma Mater Society , 2020
Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Ron Britton Engineering Education Vanguard Award , 2020
Scholarly and professional activities + affiliations
Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA)
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (CSChE)
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE)
Selected publications + presentations
T Anika, S Saleh, J Verrett (2022). Implementing community-engaged learning (CEL) in a second-year engineering design course. American Society for Engineering Education Zone IV Conference 2022 (ASEE Zone IV 2022), Vancouver.
J Verrett, A Dowling, F Boukavala, Z Ulissi, V Zavala (2020). Computational notebooks in chemical engineering curricula. Chemical Engineering Education. 54(3), 143-153.
M Cassol, J Verrett (2020). Evaluating a new second-year introduction to chemical engineering design course using concept mapping. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference 2020 (ASEE 2020), Virtual On Line.
G Mcsorley, A d’Entremont, J Verrett, Nadine Ibrahim, John Dickinson, Rick Sellens, Deena Salem (2020). Open Educational Resources in Undergraduate Education: Opportunities and Challenges. Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association Annual Conference (CEEA 2020), Montreal, Canada.
A d’Entremont, J Verrett, S Hu, J Abello, N M Harandi, T Lorenzo, W C W Fong (2020). Multi-factorial patterns of online homework usage in engineering: a pilot study. Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association Annual Conference (CEEA 2020), Montreal, Canada.