Professor Emeritus
Email: dhanesh.kannangara@ubc.ca
Research Summary
Lab course design, electrochemistry and analytical chemistry
University of Ottawa, 1985, Ph.D.
University of Sri Lanka, 1978, B.Sc., Honours
Research interests + projects
- Lab course design
- Electrochemistry
- Analytical chemistry
Scholarly and professional activities + affiliations
The Chemical Institute of Canada
Selected publications + presentations
- D. Y. C. Choy, J. Sibley, and D. Kannangara, “Teaching Laboratory Data Management (TLDM) System”, Proceedings of the CEEA 2019 Annual Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
- D. Kannangara and J. Sibley, “Transforming Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Laboratories,” Proceedings of the CEEA 2019 Annual Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
- A.Ignaszak, D.C.W. Kannangara, V.W.S. Lam and E.L. Gyenge, ‘Borohydride electro-oxidation on Gold Investigated by Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance’, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 160 (2013) H47 – H53.
- V.W.S. Lam, D.C.W. Kannangaraa, A. Alfantazi, E.L. Gyenge, “Electrodeposited Osmium Three-Dimensional Anodes for Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells” Journal of Power Sources, 212 pp 57–65, 2012
- V. W. S. Lam, D. C. W. Kannangara, A. Alfantazi, and E. L. Gyenge , “Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance Study of Borohydride Electro-Oxidation on Pt: The Effect of Borohydride Concentration and Thiourea Adsorption” J. Phys. Chem. C, 115(6), pp 2727-2737, 2011
- R Petrell, E. Gyenge, D. Kannangara, L. Creagh, Q. Lee and J. Sibley, “Incorporating Project Based Learning into Unit Operation Laboratory”, Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Sherbrooke, Oct. 15-18th, 2006