C. Jim Lim

Professor Emeritus

Office: CHBE 413

Email: jim.lim@ubc.ca

Research Summary

Biomass and fossil fuels; Spouted bed; Gas-particle system hydrodynamics, heat transfer; Hydrogen production


University of British Columbia, 1976, Ph.D.

University of British Columbia, 1971, M.A.Sc.

Nanyang University, Singapore, 1968, B.Sc.

Research interests + projects

My research has been focused on the fundamentals of spouting and fluidization phenomena, and the application of these technologies to environmentally friendly processes and clean energy production. My current research interests include biomass gasification with CO2 capture in a circulating fluidized bed, hydrogen production in a fluidized bed membrane reactor from steam reforming of higher hydrocarbons, performance of limestone for CO2 capture from a high-temperature/pressure reactor over many calcinations/carbonation cycles, chemical looping combustion for CO2 separation, development of thin Pd-based composite membrane suitable for hydrogen separation at high temperature/pressure, and process modeling and simulation. I am also an active member of UBC’s Biomass and Bioenergy Research Group (BBRG), and our research activities are presented on the website.

Scholarly and professional activities + affiliations

Fluidization Research Center (FRC), UBC

Clean Energy Research Center (CERC), UBC

Bio-Mass and Bio-Energy Research Group (BBRG), UBC

Professional Engineer (P.Eng.)

Engineers Canada (FEC)

Full publications list